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Photo by @louisphilippedegagoue 21-year-old French actress Assa Sylla (@assasyllaoff) never planned to work in film ? it just happened. ?During filming of my first movie four years ago was when I discovered that I really could be an actress,? says Assa, who lives in her hometown of Paris. ?My career goals are to grow into a French icon, play more beautiful roles and, most of all, I want to give hope to young black women and show by example that anything is possible.? This week, Assa is at the #CannesFilmFestival, where she stood on the red carpet with 15 fellow black actresses as a show of diversity and solidarity within the French film industry. ?#NoireNestPasMonMetier, or #MyProfessionIsNotBlack, is a project led by actress Assa Maga (@aissamaiga),? says Assa. ?I hope other black women will see themselves in us and we can change perceptions among some French people. It?s high time French film reflects the diversity of our society.? Watch our story to join Assa on the red carpet.

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